Screen readers - Specifically NVDA and Narrator

Hi all,

Has anyone else found that NVDA seems to completely lose focus and can jump all over the place. When I move from the main menu to a topic it might start reading halfway down the page. Or after I have read an MCQ feedback and closed the dialog box, the focus does not return to the button that opened it.

Neither of these issues occur using Windows Narrator.

NVDA used to be the screen reader I recommended to use for Evolve, but I cannot do that at the moment.

Windows Narrator works very well, but does not always read out the ARIA labelling, and when it does, it might be halfway through navigating a component, rather than at the start of the article.

I’m using NVDA version 2024.31.33894.

Any idea?

Many thanks :slight_smile:

Hi Barry, yes this is something I’ve experienced a few times and raised in an evolve support ticket, but the issue was always closed because it couldn’t be recreated. We concluded internally it could be NVDA’s problem - Their github has so many open tickets, i wouldn’t even know where to start!

I noted that it only happened when loading a new page after clicking an action button/link button. It would sometimes start in the middle of a sentence, or sometimes read an ARIA label for a component halfway down the page.

I just found a video from last year showing the issue, where I navigate through a course with Links component as the navigation to the next page.

Everything works as expected, until the second to last page when it seems to refresh on load by pronouncing the whole course html title, “out of region main landmark” then starts reading a random paragraph text further down the page.

The course that the video was taken from has been updated since then so not sure I could link to it to recreate it, but our QA team noticed it too in multiple reviews. - its a very elusive issue.

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Just spoke to my colleague who does all the NVDA testing and she says this has never happened to her. She also says she’s still on 2023.2.0.29051 (Windows). So possibly a change at NVDA’s end? We will hold off updating it for now!

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Thank you both.

@LaurynS I’ve been trying to pinpoint when it occurs too. It’s an odd one, as in a recent test I was about to report that I could not recreate the issue but then it seemed to kick in after reaching topic 5 of 6. However, in what I hoped would be my final test before delivery, NVDA doesn’t feel fit for purpose!

@daveyboond Thank you for your feedback. I’ll downgrade my NVDA version now (a call to IT is required! :grimacing: :joy:) and will also test the course on my personal machine.

I’ll let you know how I get on.

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We have found that NVDA is causing the most problems for our customers lately compared to JAWS and VoiceOver. It’s really hard for us to resolve issues specific to one reader.


I tested the same course with a fresh install of NVDA version 2024.31.33894 on my own machine, and other than it losing focus when closing a feedback popup (I will switch to inline feedback), everything else worked as expected.

It’s so odd!

If I can work out why NVDA acts differently on two different machine, I’ll let you know.

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