Hyperlinks in Simulation

Hi, does anyone know how I can add a hyperlink to a simulation display text? It would be wonderful if one of the “Elements” could include “Add a link” or in the display text, have an option where we can add a link.

In addition, it would be wonderful if there was an option where I can “select all” in the Logic section instead of selecting each individual trigger.

Hi @Sandra_Glover - currently we don’t have the functionality to include hyperlinks in simulations unfortunately (but I have made a note of your request).

May I ask what your use case is for wanting to select all Logic triggers? (again, not possible unfortunately).


When my team and I are working on an existing course, it’s often easier to delete all the triggers and start over if we need to remove several articles. It’s time consuming to go one by one.

Thank you for taking note of my first request!

Right, I understand. If I can think of any shortcuts for that I will let you know.